Sunday, November 24, 2019

Indian Law and Karma essays

Indian Law and Karma essays Indian society operates under two very different systems of law, one ancient, cyclical and metaphysical in nature, and the other modern, statutory, and civil, being grounded in the tradition of English common law as established during the imperial period of the Raj. The one system has jurisdiction over eternal matters of life, death and rebirth, and over social status and obligation in the sphere of earthly existence. The other, Western-based system is familiar to us through the institutions of a local, state and federal judiciary, presided over by a high court that dispenses justice according to the laws and proceedings of a formal, independent and constitutional system. India's independent judicial system originated under the British imperial regime, and today its concepts and procedures resemble those of Anglo-American countries also grounded in common law.(Lingat, 1973) India's chaotic legal system is, however, something of an impediment to the country's economic and political unity. Derived variously from the constitution, statutes, customary law and case law, it is largely based on English law as it existed under British colonial rule. While U.S. or U.K. law have been revised several times since World War II, India's has not been overhauled once. While certain areas have been adapted and modernized, the body of law as a whole is arcane and outdated, confused by updates and revisions, and circumnavigated with regulations and bureaucracy. Indian courts have jurisdiction over most economic and political transactions, regardless of their nature. At the apex of the entire judicial system is the Supreme Court of India in New Delhi. It has original, appellate and advisory jurisdiction and is empowered to issue directions, orders or writs, and to enforce them. Supreme Court judges are appointed by the president of India and remain in office until the age of 65. At the next level is the High Court, of which there is one in each stat...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Hitlers Table Talk Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Hitlers Table Talk - Essay Example Hitler was born in a Catholic home and he became a staunch Catholic once he began school. It is noted that he even contemplated becoming a priest because the Catholic faith was good to him. After the death of his brother in 1900, his passion for church declined. This may have been as a result of a blow in his belief about God and Jesus being a healer and yet his brother died of measles and God did not help him (Weinberg 53). The invasion of Vienna by Jews whom according to him seem to want to take over the country also further drove him away from Christianity and his belief in God. However he believed and continued to believe in Islam and even Japanese religious culture and hence that may be reason why he did not want to interfere much with religious issues as he did not understand them that well as he thought he did. Hitler’s earlier staunch belief in the Catholic faith and even his support and following of Martin Luther’s protestant movement indicate that he truly continued to follow Christian teachings. This may be the reason why he made that this talk because he did not try to force people to leave their Christianity faith even though he considered parts of the faith to be superstitious like that of the Jews. Even though Hitler was not so religious and especially after he gained power in Germany and he was said to be anti-Semitic, he never denied anyone the freedom of religion. It’s openly known that he was constantly in conflict with the Catholic Church but he did not openly denounce his faith in the church and it is still thought that he died a catholic. His lack of denial of people to worship and his joining of protestants which had almost the same rituals as those performed in a catholic mass strongly supports this table talk from him (Weinberg 135). Hitler is known to have positive comments about Islamic religion and even supported the religious culture of the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Film Reflection Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Film Reflection - Movie Review Example This includes the search for a good career that is believed to be in the Canada, the good education system in Canada (Srabani M Tania Das G 2015) indicates, that the desire to have a sense of belonging which covers the political and cultural aspects of the theory is also one of the attractants. A good Canadian health system is also one of the things that led the women into the country. A desire to explore oneself and adventure was also cited as one of the reasons for migration. Some women desire to develop themselves by putting into practice their creative ideas and, as a result, migrate to Canada as they believe there is a good self-nurturing environment. The women face various challenges in Canada. This relates well to the post-colonial feminist theory that depicts the struggles for recognition for non-western women. The struggles for the three women include the long periods taken before being processed and accepted after the application for immigration. For example, it took 6-8 years before the application to be accepted. The first impression of Canada is contrary to their opinion and expectations. Most of them expected Canada to a colorful and developed country only to find it empty as compared to their homes. They also expected to settle into stable jobs within a short duration of time after arriving into the country. However, they find it difficult to get employment and some have to do jobs that not within their area of expertise so as to pay the bills despite the dissatisfaction it brings them. The women realized that not everything was as easy as they thought it would be. It depicts that within a span of one, over 280,000 individuals tend to move from their native land to get asylum in Canada. The film also describes the changes in education that they had to make once in Canada despite their earlier skills and past knowledge. This lack of recognition of their past qualifications shows discrimination of the women by the

Monday, November 18, 2019

Why fear big business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Why fear big business - Essay Example Capitalism is said to have begun in 1834 in England, another reason the cartoonist would want to use a European Knight. The late nineteenth century saw the US thoroughly changed by the Industrial Revolution from a principally agricultural state that ranked well behind England, France, and Germany to the world’s most formidable industrial power by it is today (Keene et al., pg. 56). Whereas many Americans celebrated the Industrial Revolution for the unparalleled material wealth and growth it brought to the society, others became concerned by some of the dingy significances of industrializations. The consequence of these disagreeing visions was an extreme debate over the appropriate role of the state in regulating the economy, the workers’ rights to form unions and advocate for better pay and working conditions. The emergence of big corporations in the late nineteenth century during the period of rapid economic growth saw the rise of very powerful men. The choice of color and placement in the drawing provokes only appreciation of the cartoonist’s work. All the objects the cartoonist uses to depict the situation that presented the American worker are thought for. Whereas the average worker has only the strike as the weapon, the large corporations have the power to bribe not only the press for favorable coverage but also to state officials suppressing the government for laws that were good for business. The two different onlookers, the comfortably-seated and widely-smiling business tycoons and the standing hunger-stricken workers help the viewer see how much disparity existed in America. While the handful of the tycoons on the left sit under a shade, there is no shade for the seemingly endless crowd. It symbolizes how malnourished the people are- something that is father supported by the look on the children’s face (Keene et al.,

Friday, November 15, 2019

The rationale of ICT in schools

The rationale of ICT in schools ICT does not influence academic achievement. 1.0 Introduction From the first periods when computers were marketable existed, they could be discovered in use in educational association. Teachers had quarreled that computers should be used to support learning. Initially computers were used to teach computer programming but the growth of the microprocessor in the early 1970s saw the introduction of affordable microcomputers into schools at a fast rate. Computers and products of technology became more enveloping in society which then led to a interest about the need for computing skills in everyday life. As public awareness grew, this need for computer literacy became more powerful and many schools bought computers based on this principle. In 1990s was the year of computer communications and information access, particularly with the popularity and accessibility of internet-based services such as electronic mail and the World Wide Web. At the same time the CD-ROM became the standard for sharing packaged software. Until now, the development of computers still ongoing process becoming more advances every day. Today computers in schools are both a focus of study in technology education and a support for learning and teaching process. In Malaysia education, ICT known as Information Communication Technology was first established starting in year 2001 as Ministry of Education sees ICT as a process, not limited to the end itself. So, all attempts are focused in developing the new medium as items in the service of affluent curriculum, to improve teaching skills, more efficient organisational structures in schools, stronger link between schools and public, and the empowerment of deprived students. The Ministry trusts that suitably planned and implemented computing and communications have the latent to revolutionise education and improve learning as profoundly as information technology has transformed medicine, finance, manufacturing and numerous other sectors of society. Technology is not seen as a supplement whose mere existence in schools can speed up better educational results. Technology is also not seen as simply another subject in the curriculum, suited primarily for teaching students to use tools they may encounter as mature. The idea of ICT in education, as seen by the Ministry of Education, comprises a system that allows information gathering, organisation, handling, access, and communication in various forms. 1.1 ICT Policies in Malaysia Mevarech Light (1992) had discussed that when the potential use of computers in schools was first established, the main idea of the public was that students would be taught by computers and many of them offended this idea of teaching. They thought it was considered that the computer would take over the teachers job in much the same way as a robot may take over a mechanics job at the factory. In Malaysia as seen by Ministry of Education, they have implemented three policies related to the using of ICT in teaching and learning process especially in schools and universities. They currently have invented three main policies for ICT in education starting in the year 2001. The first policy is that of ICT for all students, significance that ICT is used as a medium to decrease the digital chasm between the schools. The second policy stresses on the role and function of ICT in education as a teaching and learning tool, as part of a subject, and as a subject by itself. Other than radio and television as a teaching and learning instrument, this policy highlights the use of the computer for accessing information, communication, and as a productivity tool. ICT as part of a subject directs to the applied of software in subjects such as Invention and Engineering Drawing. Information Technology and Computerisation are the subjects that referred to the ICT have been introduced in the sch ool timetable. The third policy highlights the using ICT to increase production, efficiency and effectiveness of the management system. ICT will be broadly used to mechanise work processes such as the processing of official forms, timetable, running of information systems, lesson preparation, financial draft and the care of account. 1.3 The Rationale of ICT in Schools It is needed to develop a very detailed rationale before beginning to use computers in schools and classrooms. There is no meaning in providing computers in schools unless such a rationale has been done. With the increasing availability of computer hardware, it is very crucial that teachers do not become involved in the machine but focus rather on their main role as teachers. Teachers need to widen their imaginations with the awareness that as developments in computer technology occur they will be able to achieve more of their objectives in teaching the students. Collis (1989) had described that these view of students sitting behind computer for much of the day have largely not occurred in mainstream schools, and most would not like this to be realised. Since the 1960s the computer has been established they had seen the computers as the solution to many problems in education. With this, many early computer scientists saw the possibility of the computer replacing teachers in schools. There are three main rationales for ICT in schools, one concerns the organisational productivity of the school, and the other two focus on the needs of students which are technological literacy and support for their learning. The two rationales are assisted by the Australian report Raising the Standards (DEST, 2002, p. 38) The need for ICT competent teachers stems from the need for ICT competent studentsand for ICT-rich learning environments that enhance students learning across the curriculum. Becker et al (1999) have said that despite from in a few excellent schools, computers had only a minimum effect on what happens in classrooms in the 20th century. There has been much argue over the purposes for this difference between the potential and what is realised. The computer is one of a type of technologies now available to teachers and students. In these cases a large amount of money was spent on these resources which some would argue would have been better spent on other resources. It is important that rare resources to support learning in schools are not wasted and therefore care needs to be taken in choosing to use computers to support learning. Historically, technology has been developed to answer problems, develop living standards. Therefore, it is reasonable that we should expect educational technology to be developed with similar objectives that is to increase the productivity and solve problems in teaching and learning syllabus. 2.0 Educational Technology Solves Problems Actually, computers are the best medium in resolving the problems that the teachers and students encounter. If the computer is a problem-solving machine then it must be applied to normal school problems such as those concerning student learning, teacher instruction, and school administration. Educational Technology should be selected on the source that it has the better features for the achievement of the curriculum. This subject should be used efficiently or better not used it at all as these involves the problem in the implementation of the curriculum, teachers who know how to use the technology effectively and teachers together with students who know how to work with the technology. There are many possible functions for computers in the learning process. In some conditions changes in related business makes computer use in schools necessary. For example, to provide courses in technical drawing, music, statistics, and business which do not incorporate computer use reduces the relevancy of the courses to the real world. Any reasons for the use of computers in the large section of schooling dedicated to basic education, such as mathematics, social science, science, communication and language, which are required more crucial examination. By considering the mathematics teaching area and the problems related with student learning. Mathematics has tended to be very abstract which they cannot see while most students are likely to work on a solid level. Using concrete materials in some teaching is practical but often not suitable. The computer can give experiences with virtual solid materials. In advancing the problems associated with curative and increase of students, computer can be use to provide appropriate material and overcome classroom management problems. However, a computer solution is not necessarily the best solution. The problems associated with student learning are most often discipline and even teacher specific. Therefore each teacher needs to think the problems associated with student learning in his/her subject area and be aware of the computer solutions. 3.0 Impact of ICT in Learning While academic discussions can be put ahead to give a strong reason for the use of ICT, the only real reason is based on whether, in practice, it has a positive impact on learning, the students, and teachers. While it would be suitable to be able to make a direct relationship between the use of ICT and learning result, most reliable researchers today would agree that there will never be a direct link because learning is mediated through the learning environment and ICT is only one element of that environment. Studies that have tried to identify this mediated effect of ICT on learning have found it impossible to entirely remove the effects of other aspect of learning environment. There is small reason in attempting to evaluate the cognitive results when using computers and with the uses of a textbook or some other resource such as articles and journals. This view is supported by Salomon (1994) as he argued that it is impossible to study the effect of computer function in the deficiency of the other reason or to assume that the only a cause independently effected the results outcomes (p. 80). Meanwhile, De Corte (1990) said that the educational goal is to implement the computer assist in the learning atmosphere rather than trying to separate its effect on learning. Using computers in learning is affected with ways of using the technology to make environments and learning states. There have been many years of educational research, not necessarily related to using computers but also on which to basic choices about suitable applications of computers to be learned. Mevarech and Light (1992) had suggested that the links between students attribute, learning environments, manners and schooling outcomes are essential and need further research, yet there has been much research which has considered these relationships in other background than ICT. If the objective is to offer new learning opportunities or to improve the way in which current learning activities are implemented then the overall effectiveness of learning environments and parts is of main concern, not whether they are more helpful with or without computers. Therefore in implementing computer applications, it is required to begin by choosing what a student, teacher or school wants to gain. To get these results, teachers can then depend on long practises of educational idea, their own experience and knowledge of the educational situation for example the student attributes, to make decisions about what the learning environment should look like and what information into the learning process are needed. A report from the ImpaCT2 study (Becta, 2002, p. 3) conducted in the UK found that, There is no consistent relationship between the average amount of ICT use reported for any subject at a given key stage and its apparent effectiveness in raising standards. It therefore seems likely that the type of use is all important. While there is no direct link between using ICT and student learning as the mass of proof now clearly shows that indirectly there can be a significant positive impact. Schachter (1999) had discovered that students who learned computer-based instruction scored at least sixty four percent on tests of achievement compared to students in the control conditions without computers who scored only at fifty percent. Laferrià ¨re, Breuleux, Bracewell (1999) had found that if the students are given right situation for access and use, there will be a significance gained in students learning with ICT. While, Becta (2002) learned that there are very clear differences in achievement related to the uses of ICT in more than half of all differences made between studentss expected scores and actual scores. 4.0 Conclusion As the conclusion, ICT have both its rationales and the reasons why this component should be implemented in the schools and universities although there are some negative impacts that will occur if ICT does not being use wisely. These changes should also support better use of ICT to support learning and teaching processes when they are well implemented in schools. Therefore it is mainly at the school and individual teacher point that changes may be needed. For some schools this will be huge adjustment while for others much of the step has already occurred. Fundamentally any change is aimed at improving the educational opportunities for all students and not just to make use of ICT. At all times the focus must be on improved outcomes for students and not on how the technology is used. Obviously we cannot be assured with the current educational outcomes for Malaysian students and the evidence is rising that we can make significant improvements with the suitable use of ICT. Large savings have been made in ICT for schools and there is a need to take report of how effective that investment has been and where further investment should be made to extend the effect of ICT on learning results for students. 2000 words

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Graduation Speech: We Dit It! :: Graduation Speech, Commencement Address

After being at County High for four years I can honestly say I will never forget my time here. I've met tons of people and have had some great experiences. I'm really honored to be given the chance to speak at our graduation. I've spent time with my fellow graduates and have gotten a comment on each of our staff members: "Nancy has always been there for me through boys, family and whatever. I'm grateful for her friendship." "Lynn just can't get mad, which was always cool with me." "Without Vickie, County High wouldn't be County High. She is our glue." "Mr. Leatherman taught us how to take care of plants and sheep. He kicked us out of class a lot, but we all love him anyways." "Frank is the 'picture master' and the reason why most of us are graduating." "Rusti has brought a new ray of sunshine to the daycare and has been an inspiration to all of us." "Persis was always warm-hearted with unique ideas and creative inventions." "Mary whole-heartedly tried to make things run smoothly and made sure every senior was on the ball." "Jerry always has a joke to share with us." "Renee had high expectations for her students and really tried to help us meet them." "Alison is a motivator. She wanted us to be the best she knew we could be. "Leanne: settle down and relax. You don't always have to work so hard." Angie brought some Southern hospitality to school and is the sweetest thing." "Krystal has taken charge of daycare and we're glad to have her with us." "Kathy was so kind and tried her best to help us learn math because it really is important." "Bruce was always doing his best to help us pass class and was always there to give advice. We all miss him." Every person I met through County High had some impact on me, whether they became my best friend, enemy or secret crush.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

An Era of European Imperialism

Unit 2: An Era of European Imperialism Imperialism has had its breadth in existence from a very long time ago, even before the Industrial Revolution. Industrialized countries pursed imperialism for many reasons. Imperialism is the creation and maintenance of an unequal economic, cultural, and territorial relationship, usually between states and often in the form of an empire, which is based on domination and subordination. Although imperialism was in occurrence before the First and Second Revolution, it impacted the world in the time between these two revolutions.Europe was facing a new era of imperialism, and the First Industrial Revolution was only its way of beginning. The First Industrial Revolution was occurring from 1750 to 1850. This dramatically changed the economic and cultural conditions of the nation based on advances in agriculture, transportation, mining, and manufacturing. With the cottage industry’s advancement to a textile industry, there were mass productions of textile with the invention of the Spinning Jenny, and there were also migrations to urban centers.Coal was used as energy during this time. There was population growth throughout this period due to the vast productions, leading people to live longer. Moreover, the invention of the steam boat/ship, in the late 1700s improved travel drastically. The quicker and more reliable steam ships allowed Europe to exploit their colonies. They established colonies in Africa, India, China, the Ottoman Empire, Persia, and South America it was depended that they had a good resource in getting there.They were able to sell their manufactured products in the markets they had set up in these places. All these ideas/manufactures were contributions to not only the Second Industrial Revolution, but also on imperialism; which impacted the whole world. Furthermore, the Second Industrial Revolution occurred during the late 1800s to the early 1900s leading onto World War I. This revolution began with the m ovement of new inventions. Electricity, steel, petroleum, and chemicals were the main new advancements. Electricity replaced coal for energy, and was more efficient.Steel was the new iron, because it was much more durable and lighter, it was even better on the economy. Other inventions like the light bulb, radio waves, telephones, and the internal combustion engine rapidly spread throughout the world, leading to profit. Trade labor unions arose, as well as women and labor reforms. All these things were impacts on imperialism throughout the world. Warfare was also an impact on the Industrial Revolution. Technological advancements in warfare made conquering undeveloped countries very easy.This made their power and influence stronger. On the other side of the world, we had countries like China and Japan, which was kept, isolated from the world. These places did not want to adapt western influences because it would drive them from their cultural ways. In China, they were undergoing what was known as the Boxer Rebellion, which allowed the killing of outsiders who were bringing other influences to China. There was also the Opium War happening in Japan, which allowed the country to industrialize itself a bit.Because of industrialization, China and Japan were able to grow in ways they would have never achieved if they had never adapted western influences. Although imperialism was in occurrence before the First and Second Revolution, it impacted the world in the time between these two revolutions. Capitalism was a key concept that was used to make profit off of laborers that lived in industrialized areas. Capitalism is an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.Basically, this is an economical system based on all greed in money and power. Capitalism controlled the environment in the First and Second Industrial Revolution. The countries and companies that supported capita lism were eventually going to lead laborers to seek new opportunities and resources of growth. This would lead people to seek and explore new places. Exploration would cause taking advantage of other people, hence, imperialism. The times of the revolutions would lead to imperialism throughout the world because the industries were being operated by capitalism.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Tromaville Coalition Essays - Membrane Biology, Cell Biology

Tromaville Coalition Essays - Membrane Biology, Cell Biology Tromaville Coalition Member of the Tromaville Coalition Chemistry 1. a) Bulk movement is the overall movement of a fluid. The molecules all move in the same direction. Diffusion however is the random movement of molecules which usually results in a fairly even distribution. In other words the movement is not guaranteed to move in one direction but the probability that it will move in the lower gradient is greater. Osmosis is similar to diffusion but is differentiated by the membrane's behavior. The cell membrane does allow water to move from higher to lower concentrations but does not allow solutes do that. b) Water potential is the capacity of water to move to a from a region where there is high water potential to low water potential. This action happens without the affect of outside forces. When outside actions due occur and they give water a high potential energy than the water will move to the region where less potential energy is. Hydrostatic pressure is the pressure required to stop water the movement of water. This is a method of measurement. The osmotic potential is the measure of tendency of water to move through a membrane which contains a solution. This occurs when a cell does not allow a hypertonic solution to leave the cell membrane. The cell begins to increase with water but the cell membrane can not release the solution and thus the water potential within the cell increases. This causes the water to no longer enter the cell. c) Hypotonic is less solute to a certain amount of water. Hypertonic is more solute to a certain amount of water. Isotonic is the equal amount of solutes in two different solutions. d) Endocytosis is the inward bulge causes by incoming molecules. Exocytosis is the expelling of a material outside a cell. e) Phagocytosis is the process where the cell obtains solid matter. This is different from the pinocytosis where the cell obtains liquid matter. These both are endocytic processes. Receptor-mediated endocytosis is the process where there are interactions between a material and receptor sites on the cell. In this process the cell accepts the material if it matches with the receptor sites. f) Coated pits are areas which peripheral proteins indent the membrane. This is where the vesicles for certain materials are formed. The vesicle which is formed is called the coated vesicle. g) Plasmodesmata are the links which hold two adjacent cells together. Gap junctions are the channels which allow materials to flow between cells. 2. The concentration gradient is the difference in the density of a material from one region to another region. The concentration gradient affects diffusion by allowing the substance to flow from high concentration to low concentration. The concentration gradient affects osmosis by the same manner it does in diffusion. The cell does not allow the solution to exit the cell when water is entering. This keeps the solution in the cell making the concentration high and thus no further penetration of water. 4. Diffusion is more rapid in gases because they are less dense than liquids. They repel each other more resulting in faster diffusion. Diffusion is greater at higher temperatures because of the greater kinetic energy among the molecules. They push each other more making them less dense. 5. The concentration of the solute is 1%. This happens because a 1% sugar solution is isotonic with that of the 1% sugar solution in the tubes. The 2% sugar solution was increased because the substance was hypertonic. The membrane did not allow the hypertonic solution to exit because the pressure from the hypotonic solution was forcing water in. This later reached an equilibrium when the hypertonic solution was gaining water potential and the water stopped rising. The vice versa happened in the distilled water solution.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on Book Prices

Book Prices Books are an essential part in the successful outcome of excellence for students. College students must go through numerous hurdles, one of them is buying books throughout their four years of college. Although many were warned of the stress of it all, very few were actually prepared for the financial attack upon his or her bank account. By its cost, one would expect the book itself to amazingly increase one’s intellect, when in actuality it simply confuses all of those in search of answers. It is a problem that every student must encounter and deal with at the beginning of every semester. Something that no one really looks forward to, I mean, who wants to spend that much money on books? Why not just invest it else where? Maybe buying a Mercedes with a nice leather interior would make more sense, but then again, books will have to do in this case. In truth, it is a problem created out of pure greed by those attempting to make money off their merchandise. This is a problem that the administration of Kennesaw State University should prioritize in order to fin d a solution. As an incoming freshman, I was truly excited about the new journey I was about to embark on. The anxiety is what made me look forward to college so desperately. Although I was warned about the ridiculous prices of books, I was not fully prepared for what I would encounter at the bookstore. As dad and I so naively went through my book Da Silva 2 list, I soon discovered how bad the situation really was. It was a Friday afternoon when my journey begun along with dad . I never knew one could spend over two hundred dollars within a time frame of fifteen minutes to buy five books. The reality of it remained that my books needed to be bought and nothing could be done to change that. Dad was extremely shocked and could hardly believe what had taken place just then. He looked like he had been raped by someone he knew his whole life. He tried to gracefully ... Free Essays on Book Prices Free Essays on Book Prices Book Prices Books are an essential part in the successful outcome of excellence for students. College students must go through numerous hurdles, one of them is buying books throughout their four years of college. Although many were warned of the stress of it all, very few were actually prepared for the financial attack upon his or her bank account. By its cost, one would expect the book itself to amazingly increase one’s intellect, when in actuality it simply confuses all of those in search of answers. It is a problem that every student must encounter and deal with at the beginning of every semester. Something that no one really looks forward to, I mean, who wants to spend that much money on books? Why not just invest it else where? Maybe buying a Mercedes with a nice leather interior would make more sense, but then again, books will have to do in this case. In truth, it is a problem created out of pure greed by those attempting to make money off their merchandise. This is a problem that the administration of Kennesaw State University should prioritize in order to fin d a solution. As an incoming freshman, I was truly excited about the new journey I was about to embark on. The anxiety is what made me look forward to college so desperately. Although I was warned about the ridiculous prices of books, I was not fully prepared for what I would encounter at the bookstore. As dad and I so naively went through my book Da Silva 2 list, I soon discovered how bad the situation really was. It was a Friday afternoon when my journey begun along with dad . I never knew one could spend over two hundred dollars within a time frame of fifteen minutes to buy five books. The reality of it remained that my books needed to be bought and nothing could be done to change that. Dad was extremely shocked and could hardly believe what had taken place just then. He looked like he had been raped by someone he knew his whole life. He tried to gracefully ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 7

Exam - Essay Example The most prevalent theory of buyer behaviour in respect of marketing activities is the ‘Utility Theory.’ This theory proposes that; buyers make decisions based on the expected result of their decisions (Bray, 2012). Buyers employ a rational behaviour when choosing commodities to consume; that is, they are concerned with self interest. Marketers are always aware that buyers will only consider the products and services that achieve the highest level of satisfaction. With this knowledge, companies produce products that meet the buyers’ needs. This theory views a buyer as ‘a rational man.’ Companies are influenced by this behaviour to design a product or service that will be desirable to the buyers. Marketing activities tend to focus on research and pricing domain of the product or service. There are various factors that influence consumers; according to contemporary research on buyer behaviour. Buyer behaviour arises from the objective of satisfying a need. This stage advances in information search; on a product that satisfies the need. The buyer then evaluates various alternatives obtained from information search. A purchase intention arises from the evaluation of alternatives. The purchase intention triggers the buyer to buy the product or service, consumes it, and then disposes it. This is the complete view of buyer behaviour. Marketers are aware that buyer behaviour advances from; a need to the actual transaction. Marketing activities will tend to focus on promoting their products and services. This promotion creates awareness; that is, it sensitizes the potential buyers about a particular product or service being offered. Buyers tend to apply a cognitive approach when deciding on which products or services to consume. This approach focuses on the buyers’ observed behaviour to intrapersonal cognition. The experience achieved from the previous use of a product or service

Friday, November 1, 2019

The Fight for Womens Rights, Laws, Social movements and Policies Essay

The Fight for Womens Rights, Laws, Social movements and Policies - Essay Example This research paper examines that organizations that are fighting for the rights of the Anishinabe people have a long way to go to ensure equalities. For instance, the mining of taconite in Minnesota has affected the Anishinabe people, other natives, and non-natives in the region. Forests have been deforested for the creation of mining pits. One in ten newborns contains mercury in their systems, and this leads to lung cancer. The organizations in Minnesota have been passing laws that have downplayed environmental protections. The North American Indigenous people have suffered for long periods due to oppression by the white people who came from Europe. They invited laws and policies that oppressed the indigenous people who were the rightful owners of the land. Immediately after the French and English landed, they noted how the indigenous people lived and how the male population treated the women with respect and honor. They introduced laws that had negative impacts on women and childr en and took the land of the aboriginal people. Many groups have come up to fight for the rights of the aboriginals and ensure that they get the chance to enjoy their rights fully. It is a shame how the United States and the Canadian governments have not provided laws to ensure that the aboriginals have obtained full equality. We should take the model of the Anishinabe people who treated everyone equal including the women who were respected. By doing so, we will change the perception of everyone and treat each other equal.